Conquest of Asia
King had assembled the humans under his rule and called his country for Aspenta. His most loyal villages were united and grew so much in size over time that they became a single metropolis, which he also called Aspenta. The elves had successfully defended their forests of Aiania, and the dwarves had retreated deep into the mountain range of Berun, which they now called their own. Even the halflings had their own land now, the lush forest of Asia. It seemed that the first war was over, unfortunately for the halflings they still had some fighting to do before they had a land of their own. Within the forest of Asia, the halflings encountered beasts and sylvan creatures that called the lush forest for home, and they weren’t too happy to welcome the halflings.
The First War raged on between the halflings and the inhabitants of Asia for many years. Asion continuously rallied the halflings, and forced the inhabitants of Asia to accept them. During the first years of the war, the halflings settled in the northern regions of Asia. Here, Asion fell in love. During a raid on the halflings’ largest city, Asion’s wife was slain and the leader was left to care for his daughter, Limina, by himself. Asion was angered by his wife’s death and soon sent a full force against the strongest races of Asia. These included the Tyvers, the Picks, and the Pegasi. Almost a decade passed before the Tyvers and the Picks were defeated and completely annihilated.
The halflings had conquered northern Asia, but Asion pushed further south to ensure peace throughout all of Asia. The leaders of the Pegasi gathered all the creatures of Asia and discussed the possibilities of peace. Together, they formed an alliance, which they called The Alliance of the Sylvan Creatures. The council of the Sylvans agreed to accept Asion and his people under a single condition. They met with Asion and explained to him that they would accept him and his people under the condition that the Sylvans were also allowed to settle in Western Aspenta. Asion accepted, but explained about the First War. Still, many Sylvans travelled west across the mountains of Berun and into Aiania and Aspenta.
The final stage of the First War was the amazement of the humans, elves, and dwarves as sylvan creatures settled in their lands. Because of the tales told my Asion, these creatures kept to themselves and avoided contact with any of the other races. Finally, the First War of the world had ended, and the First Peace began.